According to Jim Marr and his investigations
in 1974 during President Gerald Ford's administration in
the United States a study was made by the white house in the
good old USA, his group came to the conclusion that the
worlds over population of human people was a national threat
to national security of the United States.
The hand full of world wide elitist are part of the USA government and they
vowed to create war and famine in order to reduce the world's population
which has no regard in who dies first or where they die and that includes
the United States.
In other words to be blunt and forward not only is the United States
collecting and stealing your American tax dollars and giving it to the
Federal Reserve that can not be audited because where the money goes is a
secret. But now we know the Federal Reserve is a bunch dictator''s who
charge the American tax payers interest on their money and wants the
American public dead so the dollar will collapse and Central Bank of the
world can demand and impose 1 world currency backed by nothing more than hot
air and dictatorship and a complete totalitarian rule.
According to Jim Marr he has well grounded evidence and a list of 100
microbiologists that have been assassinated for coming up with cures for
cancer and several other diseases to keep the human population alive.
You might wonder how and why all this ties into my business application
being funded?
The answer is:
My business application will give poor people,
middle class people and rich people the ability to make unlimited income in
1 day by doing what they normally do any way which is drive a motorized
vehicle and this is something the Central Bank does not want to happen.
My independent contracted live mobile video
providers attached to TAXI BABBLERMOUTH & ACCESSORIES, INC. (TBA) will get
paid in American dollars world wide which will make poor people in poor
countries very rich over night and they can buy food to stay alive which is
something the Central Bank of the World does not want to happen. According
to Jim Marr and his investigation the globalist want everyone except
themselves dead.
In the year 2000
a taxi driver in Las Vegas, Nevada with my exact same name was shot in the
head and laid to rest in a Las Vegas golf course; when I returned to Las
Vegas, Nevada about 40 Las Vegas taxi drivers approached me and claimed they
went to my funeral because they thought it was me in the box. I was out of
town training as a semi truck driver when this happened so what else were
they supposed to think? The pieces are now starting to be put
This central bank and its hierarchy of financial angels
strategically placed thought-out the financial world knows my business
application works so they tried to kill me in the year 2000.
Then the evil financial angels possessed by the spirit of
Satan; the same spirit that destroyed the world trade center with
underground bombs and airplanes immediately set the direction of the
internet camera technology into the forms of local and national
governmental speed camera's funded by the World Wide National bank who owns
our Federal Reserve Legal and Tender ($)Dollar Notes in the
USA and are not allowed to be audited by the American people which puts our
politicians in the position of being guilty of Treason
against the United States and everything it stands for; these Satan
possessed American global politicians deserve to be hanged by many
Pissed off Americans and a rope attached to a real 100% American
tree grown in the good old USA.
This country was established by people who believe in
Christian worship God and praying in public schools or anywhere with
freedom; not fag marriage.
The financial gay, fag, atheists evil angels of the financial
world proceeded forward by polluting our environment with the use of
perverted camera technology on the road ways and street intersections so we
pay the governments of the world controlled by the hand full of rich people
who want the rest of us dead to take video of us instead of us the
inhabitants of the world; us human creatures made in the image of God
charging the governments of the world and the Satanic Evil Atheist
in the Main World Wide Central Bank for
invading our privacy!
The Federal Reserve or simply known as the Central Bank of
the world does not want me succeeding because it is helping people instead
of accomplishing their goal which is
killing people.
In conclusion we the people of the World and
especially the USA need to find the money to fund my project,
then we need to get rid of the oil giants and pursue air technology or else
utilize ocean wave's turning turbines and storing and
transporting the energy produced naturally by the waves of the ocean to
provide stored electricity in batteries to operate compressors to pump clean
pure air into air motors.
In between the lines everyone needs to accept Jesus along with
the living and powerful not weak, Holy Sprit as the
Lord and savoir of your eternal soul for a positive eternity.
Then we need to elect someone
Ron Paul for president who desperately
wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve.
All this effort may involve some sort of physical, mental or spiritual
line is: my business application will create
Millions of World Wide Jobs,
which is much bigger than the average citizen realizes because it's so
simple and it works!
This business application which is the main focus of my website is from the
good gracious eternal "Alpha and Omega" God given to you the
people thru me Gabriel De La Vega Jr. a simple messenger delivering
the product and message.
